[日本地熱学会誌, 28(1), (2006), 95-106] 原淳子、土屋範芳

[資源と素材, 122(2), (2006), 56-64] 石瀬康浩、狩野真吾、関根孝太郎、土屋範芳

[岩石鉱物科学, 35, (2006), 187-196] 阿部淳, 平野伸夫, 土屋範芳

[資源と素材, 122 (2), (2006),56-64] 石瀬康浩, 狩野真吾, 関根孝太郎, 土屋範芳

5. 岩石~流体反応プロセスの T-H-C 連成モデルによる岩石及び土壌変質シミュレーション
[資源と素材, 122(2), (2006), 78-85] 原 淳子, 土屋範芳, 千田 佶, 井上千弘

6. Application of TL as a Geochemical Sensor.
[Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 119 (1-4), (2006), 119-123] Makoto Yamamoto and Noriyoshi Tsuchiya

7. 封圧下透水実験に基づいたき裂型油ガス貯留層の生産性予測に関する基礎的研究.
[石油技術協会誌, 71 (2), (2006), 217-226] 渡邉則昭, 平野伸夫, 玉川哲也, 手塚和彦, 土屋範芳

8. Experimental Apparatus for Measurement of IR and Raman Spectrum at High Temperatures and Pressures.
[AIP Conference Proceedings, (833), (2006), 129-132] J. Abe, N. Hirano and N. Tsuchiya

9. Field Observation of Joint Structures in Various Types of Igneous Rocks.
[AIP Conference Proceedings, (833),(2006), 140-147] Shingo Kano and Noriyoshi Tsuchiya

10. Evaluation of Fluid Flow Path in a Single Fracture Undegoing Normal Stress and Shear Ooeset.
[AIP Conference Proceedings, (833), (2006), 156-161] K. Nemoto, H. Oka, N. Watanabe, N. Hirano and N. Tsuchiya

11. High Resolution Modeling of aperture Structure and Flow Path in Rock Fracture.
[AIP Conference Proceedings, (833), (2006), 173-176] Watanabe, N., N. Hirano, T. Tamagawa, K. Tezuka and N. Tsuchiya

12. Preliminary Study of Formation Mechanism of the Erdenet Ovoo Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit and Environmental effects of Erdenet Mine, Northern Mongolia.
[AIP Conference Proceedings, (833), (2006),204-207] B. Munkhtsengel, M. Ohara, O. Gerel, S. Dandar and N. Tsuchiya

13.Hydrothermal Experiments for Understanding Chemical Reaction Diversity of Water / Rock Interaction under Sub- and Supercritical States.
[AIP Coference Proceedings, (833), (2006), 3-8] Noriyoshi Tsuchiya

14.Hydrothermal reaction of Sulfur in Seawater for Georeactor.
[AIP Conference Proceedings, (833), (2006),35-38] T. Kabata and N. Tsuchiya

15.Natural and Experimental Evidences of Low Pressure and High Temperature Fracturing under Sub and Supercritical Hydrothermal Conditions.
[Geothermal Resources Transactions, 30, (2006), 321-326] Abe, J., N. Hirano and N. Tsuchiya

16.Experimental Evaluation of Fluid Flow through Artiocial Shear Fracture in Granite.
[Geothermal Resources Transactions, 30, (2006), 361-366] Watanabe, N. N. Hirano and N. Tsuchiya

[地質ニュース, (628), (2006), 21-28] 土屋範芳, 駒井武, 白鳥寿一